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- How to get Linux to use DHCP information from Windows 95
- Last revised: December 6, 1996
- Dan Halbert
- halbert@world.std.com
- halbert@bbn.com
- Introduction
- ============
- My Linux PC needs to get its IP address and other network information
- from a DHCP server. However, I have been unable to find a DHCP client
- that works well with the DHCP server I use.
- My PC normally boots up with Windows 95, and Linux is used less often.
- The Windows 95 DHCP client works fine for me. I could manually copy
- my IP address, nameservers, etc., over to the Linux side, but I wanted
- to automate that process.
- Win95 supplies a program (\Windows\Winipcfg.exe) that displays the
- DHCP info in a nice graphical way. By examining the strings in
- winipcfg.exe, I discovered that it has undocumented options that will
- also write the information to a file ("Winipcfg.out", by default).
- This allowed me to work out the following trick:
- 1. Boot Win95. Its DHCP client will get the necessary information from
- the DHCP server.
- 2. Run Winipcfg.exe, and write the results to a file.
- 3. Boot Linux.
- 4. Mount the Win95 file system.
- 5. Parse the file produced by Winipcfg.
- 6. Supply Linux with the appropriate networking information.
- Method
- ======
- Now the details of how I do it, for my particular setup:
- 1. In my Win95 StartUp folder, I run this command. When Win95 boots,
- Winipcfg records the DHCP information Win95 has retrieved from the
- DHCP server:
- winipcfg -all -batch c:\winipcfg.out
- The options must be in given order. Omitting "-all" omits some of the
- information. Omitting the filename writes "winipcfg.out" to the current
- directory. A sample winipcfg.out file is attached below.
- 2. Immediately (or sometime later) after booting Win95, I boot Linux.
- I use loadlin, run from an MS-DOS-mode batch file. You might use that
- or something else.
- (It is not possible to combine the Winipcfg and the loadlin into a
- single batch file, because apparently the "winipcfg.out" file does not
- get flushed from the disk cache before loadlin runs. I haven't found
- out any way of flushing the cache from the command line.)
- 3. When Linux boots, the initial boot script runs "winipcfg.pl", a
- perl program supplied at the end of this mini-HOWTO. This program must
- be run after the Win95 file system has been mounted, but before
- running the "network" script. I use the Debian Linux distribution:
- attached below is an excerpt from Debian's /etc/init.d/boot, with my
- additions noted. Your distribution may have different boot scripts, so
- you may need to adapt this. The "winipcfg.pl" program writes new
- versions of /etc/hostname and /etc/resolv.conf, and the
- /etc/init.d/network script. The "network" script does an "ifconfig"
- with appropriate arguments.
- That's all there is to it. Note of course that you should not leave
- your Linux system up for longer than the duration of the DHCP lease. I
- only boot for a few hours at a time, so that's not a problem for me.
- You may need to alter the "winipcfg.pl" script if you have more than
- one network adapter or pseudo-adapter. For instance, AOL software sets
- up a fake network adapter, and you need to ignore its information.
- Attachments follow, one per page.
- ==============================================================================
- Sample winipcfg.out produced by Win95 "winipcfg -all -batch"
- (addresses changed to protect the innocent)
- ==============================================================================
- Windows 95 IP Configuration
- Host Name . . . . . . . . . : foo.bar.com
- DNS Servers . . . . . . . . :
- Node Type . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
- NetBIOS Scope ID. . . . . . :
- IP Routing Enabled. . . . . : No
- WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . : No
- NetBIOS Resolution Uses DNS : Yes
- Ethernet adapter :
- Description . . . . . . . . : ELNK3 Ethernet Adapter
- Physical Address. . . . . . : 00-AA-BB-99-88-77
- DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
- IP Address. . . . . . . . . :
- Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . :
- Default Gateway . . . . . . :
- DHCP Server . . . . . . . . :
- Primary WINS Server . . . . :
- Secondary WINS Server . . . :
- Lease Obtained. . . . . . . : Wed Oct 16 96 10:17:26 PM
- Lease Expires . . . . . . . : Wed Oct 30 96 10:17:26 PM
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- Excerpt from Debian's /etc/init.d/boot, with my addition.
- ==============================================================================
- ...
- # Mount local file systems in /etc/fstab.
- echo "Mounting local file systems..."
- mount -avt nonfs
- # Execute swapon command again, in case we want to swap to
- # a file on a now mounted filesystem.
- swapon -a 2>/dev/null
- #### DHCP info addition ####################################################
- # Update network information files with info from Win95 DHCP client.
- if [ -f /c/winipcfg.out -a -x /usr/local/sbin/winipcfg.pl ]
- then
- echo "Setting network information from Windows 95 DHCP info."
- # This writes new versions of hostname, resolv.conf, and init.d/network.
- # /c/ is where I mount the Win95 file system.
- /usr/local/sbin/winipcfg.pl /c/winipcfg.out
- if [ $? != 0 ]
- then
- echo "Error getting network information. Using existing network info."
- fi
- else
- echo "** Windows 95 DHCP info not available. Using existing network info."
- fi
- #### end of DHCP info addition #############################################
- # Setup the network interfaces. Note that /var/run and /var/lock
- # are cleaned up after this, so don't put anything in the "network"
- # script that leave a pidfile or a lockfile.
- if [ -x /etc/init.d/network ]
- then
- /etc/init.d/network
- fi
- # Set hostname.
- hostname --file /etc/hostname
- # Now that TCP/IP is configured, mount the NFS file systems in /etc/fstab.
- echo "Mounting remote file systems..."
- mount -a -t nfs
- ...
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- /usr/local/sbin/winipcfg.pl:
- This is the perl program invoked from the boot script above.
- ==============================================================================
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- while (<>) {
- # Remove any trailing CR and LF.
- s/\r//g;
- s/\n//g;
- if (/^\tHost Name.*: (.*)$/i) {
- ($hostname, $domain) = split(/\./, $1, 2);
- } elsif (/^\tDNS Servers.*: *(.*)$/i) {
- push @nameservers, $1;
- } elsif (/^\t +([\.0-9]+)$/) {
- push @nameservers, $1;
- } elsif (/^\tIP Address.*: (.*)$/i) {
- $ip_address = $1;
- } elsif (/^\tSubnet Mask.*: (.*)$/i) {
- $netmask = $1;
- } elsif (/^\tDefault Gateway.*: (.*)$i/) {
- $gateway = $1;
- }
- }
- $hostname || die "Hostname not given";
- $domain || die "Domain not given";
- $ip_address || die "IP address not given";
- $netmask || die "Netmask not given";
- $gateway || die "Gateway not given";
- $#nameservers != -1 || die "No nameservers given";
- open(HOSTNAME, ">/etc/hostname") ||
- die "Could not open /etc/hostname for writing\n";
- open(RESOLV, ">/etc/resolv.conf") ||
- die "Could not open /etc/resolv.conf for writing\n";
- open(NETWORK, ">/etc/init.d/network") ||
- die "Could not open /etc/init.d/network for writing\n";
- chmod 0755, "/etc/init.d/network";
- print HOSTNAME "$hostname\n";
- print RESOLV "domain $domain\n";
- print RESOLV "search $domain\n";
- foreach (@nameservers) {
- print RESOLV "nameserver $_\n";
- }
- @ip_address = split(/\./, $ip_address, 4);
- @netmask = split(/\./, $netmask, 4);
- $network = join(".",
- $ip_address[0]+0 & $netmask[0]+0,
- $ip_address[1]+0 & $netmask[1]+0,
- $ip_address[2]+0 & $netmask[2]+0,
- $ip_address[3]+0 & $netmask[3]+0);
- $broadcast = join(".",
- $ip_address[0]+0 | ~($netmask[0]+0) & 255,
- $ip_address[1]+0 | ~($netmask[1]+0) & 255,
- $ip_address[2]+0 | ~($netmask[2]+0) & 255,
- $ip_address[3]+0 | ~($netmask[3]+0) & 255);
- print NETWORK
- "ifconfig eth0 $ip_address netmask $netmask broadcast $broadcast
- route add -net $network netmask $netmask
- route add default gw $gateway metric 1
- ";
- print
- "DHCP info: $hostname.$domain ($ip_address)
- netmask: $netmask broadcast: $broadcast gateway: $gateway
- nameservers: @nameservers
- ";
- exit(0);
- ==============================================================================